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Process More Claims with a Custom Software Solution.

Today’s world demands speed and efficiency, and your tech should help you keep up, not hold you back. Automate your claims management processes and gain back hours of your day with a custom solution from the insurance innovation experts at Susco.


Streamline the claims management process.


Satisfy your customers.


Improve FedNat’s bottom line.

Seamless Integrations

integrate xactanalysis with claims management softwrae
guidewire integrations

Schedule a free consultation with a solutions expert:

Insurance Software Solutions

We’ll work with you to analyze your current processes and identify any bottlenecks, using our working knowledge of the insurance industry. Together, we’ll develop a solution perfectly catered for FedNat and its goals.

Claims Management Automations

claims management dashboard

Central Claims Management Dashboard

mobile insurance applications

Mobile Applications

Policyholder Portals

Easily Access Your Data

Messy data makes for messy reporting, which makes managing your teams difficult. Turn your claims data into actionable information. Create a solution that gives you a clear snapshot of your KPI’s at any point in time, while taking into consideration all data moving across operations. Your data is there. Let’s build a seamless interface that allows you use it.

Software Built with Growth in Mind

Clunky software not only makes your agents’ jobs managing claims more difficult- it puts unnecessary strain on your internal IT team. Build software your end users and developers will love. Implement a solution with fully optimized code and that’s ready to scale up as FedNat grows.

Modernize Your Policyholder Experience

In the Digital Age, your customers expect more transparency, faster response times, and multiple customer service options. Exceed your customers’ expectations and grant unprecedented access to accurate claims status updates with a web portal or mobile app. Give them the information they need, right at their finger tips and add hours back into your customer service team’s day.

Learn more about custom client portals and mobile apps.

Keep Your Systems in Sync

Manually updating information in multiple systems is time-consuming and often causes expensive errors. Eliminate multiple entry and keep your systems in sync- automatically. Connect your estimation software to your claims management software, your continuing education software to your HR software- the possibilities are endless. Automate the manual tasks and position FedNat for efficiency and growth.

Innovate with the Insurance Tech Veterans

Choose a partner that understands the insurance industry and FedNat’s goals. Build software your users and customers will love, with code your developers will love.

80 collective years of insurance software development experience

35+ collective years of Xact integration experience

Read how Alacrity used automations to double their revenue with a custom solution from Susco.

Download the Alacrity Case Study: