
What’s Next written on a Post-It note with a squiggly line under it indicating that an IDP can be helpful for setting participants up for the future.

July 26, 2023

Living IDP: A Look at Real Life IDP With Andy


Senior Business Analyst Andy explains a day in the life as a senior executive with an IDP. Key Takeaways: As someone who consistently lives at full throttle, I sincerely appreciate any tool that helps me reach another level, no matter how high I’ve climbed. Business leaders often reach a goal, saying, “Well, That’s it. I’m […]

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Thoughtful man with dark brown hair in front of a board with words about starting a future and building goals using an IDP.

July 19, 2023

Real Life IDP With Nicholas


Project manager Nicholas shows us the truth about creating and living an IDP. Key Takeaways: One of my favorite things about being able to offer our Susco-specific IDP to my teammates is how easily it conforms to any role in the company. From new hires to senior execs, it can help you achieve your goals […]

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Individual development plan words written on paper sitting on a wooden surface with colored Post-it notes next to it.

July 12, 2023

Living the Individual Development Plan, Part 1: Real-Life IDP with Josh


Living the Individual Development Plan, Part 1: Real-Life IDP with Josh Key Takeaways: I learned a little later in life that the changes I made in my mind and body also affected my work. When I fully understood the capabilities of IDPs and the part they play in the story of my career, I couldn’t […]

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A blurred image of a man in a business suit with a finger extended that has hexagons with the word technology, analytics as a service, automation, predictive modeling, data mining, business analysis, and decision making superimposed – all to indicate the importance of predictive analytics in claims management.

July 5, 2023

Predictive Analytics and Automation – The Future of Claims Management is Now

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Leveraging your data means you can improve efficiency, cut costs, and increase customer satisfaction. You just need to know how to get started.  Technology is rapidly changing claims management with benefits that include improved efficiency, error and cost reduction, and boosted customer satisfaction levels. Two of the most potent and trending tools are predictive analytics […]

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Dark-haired woman sitting on a couch with a laptop in her lap, thinking and looking into the distance as she works on vision setting

May 4, 2023

IDP Deep Dive Part 3: The Magic of Vision Setting


Achieving your personal growth goals with an IDP – Part three Key Takeaways: Your IDP – individual development plan – is most effective when you reach into the core of your wants and needs to be honest with yourself about your talents and abilities. It takes active work. None of your plans will solidify until […]

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