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Six Ways to Inspire Stakeholder Buy-In for Digital Transformations

Digital transformations are happening everywhere. Across industries, companies are overhauling both customer-facing solutions and back-end operations by implementing exciting new technology. But before a digital transformation can begin, every tier of leadership must understand the implications of the change and invest in the strategy, from C-suite executives to upper and middle management. So, how can you appeal to stakeholders? These six ideas will help marketers build confidence in new ideas and secure buy-in from essential team members.

Include Impacted Parties From the Start

Before creating a digital transformation plan, marketers should seek input from members of each tier of leadership. Employees are far more likely to invest in new technology when they’ve been involved in its development.

Alter the Presentation to Appeal to Different Departments

Each department will be affected by the digital transformation differently, and every employee deserves to know how the change will affect their job specifically. By altering the presentation to address the concerns of each department, marketers have the opportunity to show each stakeholder how the transformation will ultimately benefit them.

Address the Company’s Weaknesses

In an increasingly digital culture, legacy systems often slow the pace of business. Identifying how digital transformation will increase efficiency and expedite growth is one of the most effective ways to persuade stakeholders that change is not only beneficial, but it is also vital to progress and viability.

Use Visuals

Esoteric terminology and complicated charts and graphs have a tendency to bore and confuse an audience. Marketers should make their presentations as visual as possible, incorporating pictures, diagrams, or, if possible, a prototype that demonstrates how various aspects of the product will work.

Invite Leaders From Another Sector

Technology experts can offer a fresh perspective about why a digital transformation is necessary. As they have a better grasp on how technology will evolve, they can better predict how it will affect the industry in the future.

Prepare to Talk Money

Stakeholders will inevitably have questions about what the digital transformation will cost and when they can expect to see results. Presenters should have financial data available so they can answer the tough questions.

Susco helps businesses navigate digital transformations at all levels, from conception to implementation. To learn more about how our custom software solutions can benefit your business, give us a call at 504-264-9343.

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