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What Will 5G Mean for Businesses?

The current 4G LTE standard will soon be replaced by the fifth generation of wireless networking technology. Set to arrive in 2020, the first wave of 5G networks in the U.S. will likely result in significant changes to the day-to-day operations of businesses across the country. 5G’s impressive data capacities and lightning-fast speeds promise to boost online efficiency and could make a variety of potential technological advances everyday realities. Here’s what the arrival of 5G may mean for businesses.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

At its core, 5G will serve as a mobile network. By vastly improving the speed of data transfers, 5G will enable businesses to streamline their internal and external communications, and it will make gaining valuable insights through data analytics faster and easier. Additionally, 5G will make working remotely much more practical; and it’s expected to offer more robust support to cloud-based mobile platforms and networks so that employers, employees, and clients can share and collaborate in real time, wherever they are.

Increased Automation Capabilities

With its faster speeds, lower latency, and improved security, 5G will make automation a more viable option for businesses. For example, the future of autonomous vehicles largely depends on the availability of 5G networks across the country. For self-driving cars and trucks to be able to respond immediately to unexpected obstacles, changing speed limits, and even GPS directions, enormous amounts of data will have to be transmitted and processed instantaneously. Once 5G networks make this level of data transfers possible, the world should expect automated technologies to expand rapidly.

A More Widespread Internet of Things

The ability of internet connectivity to extend into physical devices and objects is known as the “Internet of Things.” While this technology is already reasonably established and prevalent in everyday life, including smartwatches, smart appliances, and home utility systems, 5G networks will allow billions of new devices to be connected to the internet at all times. A more widespread Internet of Things will introduce new possibilities for businesses in many sectors, including manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and medicine. For example, by using 5G-supported connectivity, medical professionals will be able to monitor their patients’ health remotely, perform more sophisticated robotic surgeries, and offer more personalized treatment because of 24-hour health trackers.

At Susco, we prioritize designing custom software solutions that improve productivity through automation and innovation. We strive to prepare for rather than react to technological advancements. To learn more about our development process and capabilities, browse our case studies or call us at (504) 264-9343.

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