
Decision makers brainstorming about the best software for employee retention.

February 14, 2024

Implementing The Right Software for Employee Retention

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The right software can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Discover strategies for selecting and implementing software solutions that boost productivity and create a more positive and engaging work environment. As a business leader and decision-maker, you know better than most that good workplace technology and talent retention go hand in hand. You’ve likely even […]

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Streamlining insurance claims process concept photo.

February 7, 2024

Accelerating Revenue: The Impact of Streamlining Claims Cycle Times


Discover how reducing claims cycle times leads to greater customer satisfaction, efficiency, and revenue. In today’s ultra-competitive landscape, policyholders crave speed, and claims cycle time is the leading metric they consider when choosing insurers. A short claims cycle time signals efficiency and reliability, while an extended one communicates that you’re not doing as much as […]

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An iceberg show both above and below the water.

January 17, 2024

Don’t Put Limits on Your Business – Discover the Hidden Costs of Off-the-Shelf Software


Long-term software costs can sink your profits and competitive edge Off-the-shelf software is mighty tempting. After all, it provides the fastest, least expensive way to gain efficiency, improve productivity, and give your insurance adjusting firm a competitive edge. Wrong! This thinking is short-sighted at best and business-crippling at worst, negatively impacting long-term finances and growth. […]

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Digital processes efficiency concept photo.

January 9, 2024

Embracing Efficiency: A Showdown between Manual and Digital Processes

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Digital process efficiency isn’t just a trend but a fundamental shift in conducting business in the modern world. Here’s what you must know about transitioning from manual to digital: The age-old debate of manual vs. digital continues to intensify as organizations look for the best processes to unlock efficiency; is it smarter to stick to […]

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An abstract image shows a hand holding a portable digital device with a bar graph with arrows going upward. In the background are various tech icons.

December 13, 2023

Legacy Insurance Software May Be Costing You More Than You Think

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Outdated software in insurance creates problems that inhibit your growth Your legacy insurance software has served you well over the years. But at what cost? You may feel that you’re saving money and headaches by sticking with “good enough,” but when is the last time you’ve taken a hard look at the total cost of […]

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