
Sitting in front of a laptop, a person is touching a virtual screen with icons for different types of insurance. The word insurance appears in brackets in the center.

July 10, 2024

Dramatically Improve Claims Processing Efficiency with Modern Technology

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Resolve claims faster, more accurately, and more profitably Traditional insurance claims processing methods are notorious for inefficiencies that negatively impact the bottom line and customer satisfaction. One key area of concern is the manual and paper-based nature of many existing processes. This reliance on physical paperwork slows down the entire claims-handling process and increases the […]

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A businessman sits with fingers on a laptop keyboard. Above the keyboard, hover icons for AI, money, a target, a car, and a checklist.

April 24, 2024

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby – The History and Evolution of Insurance Claims Management


Technology is increasing efficiency and saving money, and there’s no end in sight. Claims adjusting is a profession that dates back centuries, to when the first insurance company was established in 1680 in London. In the United States, Benjamin Franklin co-founded the Philadelphia Contributorship in 1752. The modern insurance claims adjuster role evolved from the […]

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Overhead road signs have the words data quality, accuracy, integrity, and validity.

April 10, 2024

Preserve Data Quality – Prevent Errors with Technology and Build a Culture of Data Integrity


Data errors cost you more than you realize. Make better decisions and more money. Data accuracy is essential in insurance adjusting firms – it directly impacts your ability to make informed decisions and assess claims. It informs decision-making, improves efficiency, enhances customer service, and mitigates fraud. Data errors have many consequences, including incorrect assessments, claim […]

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A man sits at a desk in front of a laptop. He holds a pen over printouts of charts, while working on the laptop. Surrounding the laptop are icons for money, growth, time, targets, and tools.

March 27, 2024

Your Make vs. Buy Software Decision Greatly Impacts Your Business Success

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Let’s compare off-the-shelf with custom software for insurance adjusting One of the most difficult aspects for insurance adjusting firms seeking digital transformation is the decision to make or buy software. It’s a strategic dilemma: Do you develop a custom software solution or purchase an off-the-shelf insurance software solution? What aligns best with your business goals, […]

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Hand holding a symbol of safe software design

March 20, 2024

Why Secure Intuitive Insurance Software Is Essential


To run their firms at peak efficiency, insurance firms need software that is both easy to use and has the latest cybersecurity protections Software systems have become increasingly essential to the operational efficiency of the insurance industry in general and for claims adjustors in particular. On the one hand, software needs to address security concerns […]

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