September 30, 2019
Legacy System Conversions -Too Much Too Soon Always Fails
in: Digital+Personal Transformation, Software, Transformation
As part of this content series, we’re going to explore the ways in which personal and digital transformations overlap, and how existing patterns in software development projects and personal growth can help us become better professionals and people. In this piece, we’re going to be talking about how trying to implement too many changes at […]
August 19, 2019
The Intersection of Digital + Personal Transformation
in: Leadership, Transformation
Today’s my 42nd birthday, and I have a lot to reflect on. As the CEO of a software development firm, I’ve had the privilege of being involved in digital transformation (DX) projects for organizations large and small for almost 20 years. In that time, I’ve assumed many roles — champion, product owner, architect, developer, project […]