
Legacy system modernization strategies concept photo.

February 28, 2024

A Definitive Guide to Planning Legacy System Upgrades


For CEOs, IT leaders, and decision-makers in insurance adjusting firms, understanding when and which legacy systems need modernization and developing a strategic conversion plan leads to optimum results. Three words that terrify CEOs, IT leaders, and decision-makers in insurance-adjusting firms alike are legacy system modernization. Too often, legacy conversion refers to a long, arduous effort […]

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Multiple copies of a file stored in different systems.

February 21, 2024

How To Minimize Data Redundancy


Is redundant data compromising decision-making and operational effectiveness in your organization? These valuable strategies for identifying, reducing, and preventing duplicate information can give you an edge. Modern organizations need to be wary of unintentional data redundancy and take proactive steps to eliminate it. Data redundancy is when multiple copies of the same information exist in […]

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This article provides insights into the why, as well as effective strategies for technology integration in insurance.

January 31, 2024

Technology Integration in Insurance Can Be Seamless. Here’s How.


Challenges? Sure. But the rewards are plentiful for those who embrace emerging technologies in insurance There’s no question that insurance adjusting firms must embrace and implement digital transformation. However, the attachment to legacy systems and “the way things have always been done” has created a reluctance to move forward. This is despite the many advantages […]

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Data warehousing in business intelligence concept photo.

January 25, 2024

Data Warehousing and Integrations: Modern Business Intelligence

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Struggling with managing large data volumes from disparate sources? Read on to discover how modern data warehousing and integration techniques enhance business intelligence. Businesses manage increasingly large volumes of data from various sources daily. Per IDC’s estimates, the annual data produced globally will reach 175 zettabytes by 2025. As more data becomes available, embracing modern […]

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Software engineer explaining the benefits of upgrading legacy systems in InsurTech to the CEO.

January 11, 2024

Prepare for the Future by Upgrading Legacy Systems in InsurTech


Switching to a modernized system is imperative to thrive in the new era of insurance. Here’s how to successfully navigate the transition.  Insurance service firms have relied on traditional legacy systems for the past half a century to stay competitive. These systems allowed claims managers and underwriters to handle claims and write risks more effectively […]

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