
An abstract image shows a hand holding a portable digital device with a bar graph with arrows going upward. In the background are various tech icons.

December 13, 2023

Legacy Insurance Software May Be Costing You More Than You Think

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Outdated software in insurance creates problems that inhibit your growth Your legacy insurance software has served you well over the years. But at what cost? You may feel that you’re saving money and headaches by sticking with “good enough,” but when is the last time you’ve taken a hard look at the total cost of […]

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An insurance software vendor’s developers writing code on a computer.

December 6, 2023

Insurance Software Vendors: 4 Ways to Evaluate Compatibility

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Learn about the 4 criteria for evaluating insurance software vendors guaranteed to help you build lasting, productive relationships.

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End-of-life insurance system conversion best practices concept photo: person holding tablet illustrating the old and new direction of insurance.

November 22, 2023

End-of-Life Insurance Software Conversion Best Practices

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Learn about end-of-life insurance system conversion best practices and how to avoid the disruptions and inefficiencies caused by outdated and unsupported software.

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Illustrations of people working on a laptop, standing next to a cup filled with money, and next to a laptop showing charts and graphs. In the center is a rocket. Twitter:

November 15, 2023

An Insurance Total Cost of Ownership Comparison – SaaS vs. Custom Development

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Here’s an insurance total cost of ownership comparison when considering SaaS vs. custom software development. What will help you grow your adjusting firm?

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Man staring at laptop frustrated by insurance software constraints.

November 8, 2023

Ensuring Insurance Software Constraints Don’t Hold You Back

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Learn how insurance software constraints stifle progress and how modern systems can help you stay ahead of the digital curve.

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