Better Management for IA Firms: Explore Susco Resources

Explore Susco’s resources designed with IA firms in mind. Explore our free whitepapers and webinars designed to help you identify gaps in your process and select the right solutions to ensure better claims management with the ability to scale as you grow. Questions about any of these resources? Reach out to Susco to learn more.

White Papers

[Whitepaper] Legacy System Conversion Guide

IT systems require continuous improvement to meet the growing needs of a business. In a rapidly changing industry, an off-the-shelf system may no longer meet the demands of your application or your users. Many firms know they’re operating on outdated systems, but it’s hard to know when it’s time to invest in an overhaul. Workarounds may buy some time, but investing in a custom software solution could bring a higher ROI in the long-term. Learn more about overhauling an outdated system by downloading your free Legacy System Conversion Guide.

[E-Book] 2024 Top Tech Investments for Independent Adjusting Firms

Outdated software is the number one barrier to growth in the insurance industry. Clunky digital processes are expensive and risky, and are often the root cause for failing to leverage economies of scale. In this whitepaper, we’ve detailed six software steps insurance companies can take to reduce overhead and serve more policyholders faster.

[Whitepaper] The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Claims Management Systems: Per-Claim SaaS to Custom CMS

IA firms need the right claims management system to serve their customers efficiently and effectively while remaining cost-effective. The right solution will depend on your unique business and growth goals — so how do you know which claims management system is right for you? This whitepaper will lay out a cost-benefit analysis of investing in a Software as a Service system or using custom software.


[Webinar] Is Your IA Firm Ready to Scale for the Next CAT?

Are you confident that your IA firm can handle the surge of claims during the next catastrophic (CAT) event? From initial intake to final settlement, the processes that suffice for low-volume claims may falter under CAT volume pressure. In this recent webinar, “Is Your IA Firm Ready to Scale for the Next CAT?”, Susco Chief Architect John McCawley and Keystone Experts and Engineers founder Daniel Price host an insightful discussion on the critical bottlenecks of CAT claim management. Watch the webinar recording to learn more.


Streamlining Workflow: How Integrated Systems Enhance Efficiency

Picture this: It’s 3 AM, and your phone buzzes with a new claim notification. A severe storm has just torn through a nearby town, leaving a trail of property damage in its wake. As an independent adjuster, you know the next few days will be a whirlwind of site visits, documentation, negotiations, and report writing. […]

Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging Integrated Systems for Better Outcomes

In the era of big data, integrated systems and sophisticated analytics tools set businesses apart. Start your journey to data-driven decision-making by reading this insightful guide: Raise your hand if you’ve ever made a decision based on your “gut” without thoroughly examining the underlying facts. If you’re feeling guilty, don’t. It’s surprisingly common—over 50% of […]

Efficiency and Effectiveness in Claims Processing

Discover how to unlock unprecedented speed, accuracy, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. The traditional claims processing journey—from first notice of loss (FNOL) to assessment and settlement—is time-consuming and complex, involving disparate systems, cumbersome paperwork, and considerable manual intervention. As an insurance adjuster (IA), you’ve probably experienced its negative impacts firsthand— errors, delays, high costs, low […]

Questions About Susco’s IA Solutions?

The resources above, as well as our blog and press releases, should help you gain an understanding of some of the critical issues facing IA firms (and provide some solutions for you and your business to explore). Have questions about any of these resources? Want to see if Susco can help you better scale your operations? Contact us for a conversation.