custom software
March 26, 2025
How Insurance Claims Management Software Helps IA Firms Cut Costs and Boost Efficiency
in: Business, Software Tagged: custom software, software development, softwares
Optimizing field adjuster efficiency by leveraging technology to reduce costs Field adjusters play a critical role in the insurance claims process. They assess damages, investigate claims, and ensure policyholders receive fair settlements. However, a significant portion of their time is often consumed by administrative tasks, excessive travel, and inefficient workflows. Instead of focusing on high-value […]
January 29, 2020
Would Your Business Benefit from Custom Software?
in: Software Tagged: custom software, Software technology
Many businesses today leverage software to boost efficiency, reduce the cost of operations, and comply with regulatory requirements. You can either choose off-the-shelf software that offers stock features for every business or custom software that is adaptable to specific business requirements. While packaged software remains popular, here are some reasons to go against the tide […]
April 23, 2018
Signs You Need to Overhaul Your Legacy System (i.e. that custom software you had built over 5 years ago)
in: Software Tagged: business, business efficiency, business productivity, custom software, legacy software, Legacy Systems, Programming tag, softwares
We see it all the time: a company has a long-established software system that’s either fully custom or has been customized to fit just right. It’s perfect, or as nearly perfect as software can be. And then the company grows. It evolves with the changing marketplace. Little by little, that perfect fit starts to pinch […]
April 23, 2018
Custom vs COTS for Inventory Management
in: Business, Software Tagged: custom inventory management software, custom software, inventory management software, off-the-shelf
If you carry inventory, you need efficient, effective inventory management software. Since it’s such a critical part of your infrastructure, it’s important to select the right tool for your needs. Should you choose a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) package, or do you need custom inventory management software?
April 20, 2018
Why it’s time to build a Board of Directors Portal
in: Business, Software Tagged: Board of Directors Portal, custom portal, custom software
For any organization led by a board of directors, communication is vital. Board members need a great deal of well-organized information in order to perform their duties. Staff members have traditionally prepared board books and meeting documents, assembling and organizing possibly hundreds of documents for each meeting. While it’s possible to cobble together a solution […]