
May 8, 2018

How to Measure ROI for your Enterprise Mobile Apps

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Extending your team’s productivity tools to the mobile space can be a game-changer in many ways. Your mobile workforce enjoys greater efficiency and convenience, while your back office team sees timely and accurate data capture. Win-win! How can you tell, though? Measuring enterprise mobility ROI needs careful thought and management. Defining return on investment (ROI) The […]

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April 23, 2018

Is a real PaaS?

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Cloud computing, with its related software, platform, and infrastructure service models, has changed the way people use technology. It’s so common that many people don’t think about, say, webmail or online document sharing as a cloud computing service; it’s just a normal part of the landscape. Both individuals and organizations use many cloud computing services. While […]

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April 23, 2018

Signs You Need to Overhaul Your Legacy System (i.e. that custom software you had built over 5 years ago)

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We see it all the time: a company has a long-established software system that’s either fully custom or has been customized to fit just right. It’s perfect, or as nearly perfect as software can be. And then the company grows. It evolves with the changing marketplace. Little by little, that perfect fit starts to pinch […]

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April 23, 2018

3 Considerations for Salesforce Coding

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Sooner or later, in the Salesforce ecosystem, you will find yourself writing code to customize a Salesforce organization. There are plenty of references about the Apex programming language, which is Salesforce’s Java-esque proprietary language for controllers and triggers. Of course, you’ll follow general programming best practices. You’ll also want to keep a few things top-of-mind […]

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April 23, 2018

Custom vs COTS for Inventory Management

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If you carry inventory, you need efficient, effective inventory management software. Since it’s such a critical part of your infrastructure, it’s important to select the right tool for your needs. Should you choose a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) package, or do you need custom inventory management software?

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