
February 9, 2018

Salesforce user adoption, Part I: Signs you don’t have buy-in from your org on using Salesforce

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Now that your company has rolled out its shiny new CRM system, you’ll want to make sure your team is fully on board. How can you track Salesforce user adoption? What are the signs you don’t have full buy-in from your organization on using Salesforce? Of course, there are many useful reports available in the […]

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December 18, 2017

How to Prevent a “Gotcha!” in Salesforce Relationships

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Working with Salesforce relationships is a little different from traditional relational database structures, but Salesforce has great tools for building custom data relationships, and most people can adapt quickly to the SOQL model. As with any other system, though, there are a few “gotchas” to watch for when designing Salesforce relationships. I ran into one […]

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November 1, 2017

Salesforce Winter 2018 Reporting Enhancements

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It’s a funny thing about Salesforce developers. Many of us really dislike change, even when we know very well it’s necessary and worthwhile. Why? Too often, changing an application is like re-routing plumbing after the house is built: making a change that looks small can take a whole lot of effort with a whole lot […]

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September 27, 2017

Software Automation Isn’t A Job Killer

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Can software replace my job? It’s a concern with roots going back centuries to the arrival of the first automated power looms in 18th-century England, continuing into more modern times with the large claw-like robots that build automobiles. Today it seems there are hundreds of websites making their living pushing clickbait headlines describing the perils […]

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September 5, 2017

Keep Asking Why

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DISCLAIMER – this article applies to mainly to Organizations without business analysts and programmers on staff. A few years ago, we were asked to quote a small automation for an existing, repeat client. They wanted help streamlining a spreadsheet-based process that took about 1/2 day of a high-level employee’s time each week. Client: Can you help […]

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