
August 22, 2018

Improving Your Internal Communications Positively Impacts the Bottomline: Time Is Money

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The workforce is much more than just a company’s source of labor; the employees are also its operational essence, the literal eyes and ears of any organization. Connecting with employees at all levels through effective internal communication (IC) matters: it’s a general rule that where IC is effective, employees are more engaged. But the value […]

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May 8, 2018

How to Measure ROI for your Enterprise Mobile Apps

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Extending your team’s productivity tools to the mobile space can be a game-changer in many ways. Your mobile workforce enjoys greater efficiency and convenience, while your back office team sees timely and accurate data capture. Win-win! How can you tell, though? Measuring enterprise mobility ROI needs careful thought and management. Defining return on investment (ROI) The […]

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April 23, 2018

Custom vs COTS for Inventory Management

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If you carry inventory, you need efficient, effective inventory management software. Since it’s such a critical part of your infrastructure, it’s important to select the right tool for your needs. Should you choose a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) package, or do you need custom inventory management software?

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April 23, 2018

Should we outsource Salesforce?

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The basics are in place: you’ve set up your Salesforce org, and you’ve customized it enough to let your sales team work pretty efficiently. Now your users are asking for more. They want more automation to streamline their work, more customization to tailor their experience to their needs, more built-in business logic to improve the […]

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April 20, 2018

Why it’s time to build a Board of Directors Portal

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For any organization led by a board of directors, communication is vital. Board members need a great deal of well-organized information in order to perform their duties. Staff members have traditionally prepared board books and meeting documents, assembling and organizing possibly hundreds of documents for each meeting. While it’s possible to cobble together a solution […]

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